Prince Chandrahasa Sacrifices Himself at the Temple of Chandika, Folio from a Razmnama (The Book of War) by Kamal Image from public domain license"Arjuna Battles Raja Tamradhvaja", Folio from a Razmnama, Patron 'Abd al-Rahim ibn Muhammad Bairam Khan Khan-i Khanan Image from public domain license"Asvatthama Fires the Narayana Weapon (Cosmic Fire) at the Pandavas", Folio from a Razmnama by Patron 'Abd al-Rahim ibn… Image from public domain licenseThe Brahman Uttanka Meets Indra, who is Disguised as an Outcast Chandala, Folio from a Razmnama (The Book of War) by Qasim Image from public domain license